Veterinary Service
General Pet Care
Paws 2 Help is here to examine your pet routinely and to keep the vaccinations they need up to date to help your pet have a longer, healthier life.
General Pet Care in West Palm Beach, FL and Jupiter, FL
General pet care involves a yearly wellness exam with your veterinarian to ensure your pets have a long and healthy life. Each visit will include an update on vaccinations, a heartworm screen, and flea/tick/heartworm preventative care.

General Pet Care
We wish to be your partner in the care of your pet. Communication is essential in any relationship, and we hope you find value in your pet’s comprehensive checkups. We provide complete physical tests to uncover potential concerns before they become severe. Many pet health problems can be avoided with regular physical exams, which is why we urge your pet to be examined by our experts at least twice a year. While physical checks are essential for animal health, you can help by being a responsible pet owner.
During a physical exam, your veterinarian searches for anything out of the ordinary. What is considered normal is a blend of what is considered typical for the breed and what is considered normal for your unique pet. Every pet is special, just as every person is fantastic. Any areas of concern will be addressed further after the veterinarian has completed the initial physical assessment.
Pet Spay/Neuter
General Pet Care
Veterinary Surgical Procedures